Music teachers are instrumental in safe technique
If you’re a music teacher, you probably know by now that you can make or break a student’s musical development. And in no area is that truer than in the teaching of posture. Whether hunching over a guitar or balancing a flute, a student who doesn’t know how to balance themselves runs the risk of chronic pain, which can lead to depression, damaged careers and less joy in making music. In contrast, good posture can improve coordination, breathing, poise and performance. That’s why so many music teachers are incorporating BodyMinded: Alexander Technique into their teaching practice.
Is BodyMinded: Alexander Technique safe for music teachers and students?
BodyMinded:Alexander Technique is a gentle, mindful based process, so music teachers can rest assured that it’s safe. That said, teachers should also check on a student’s medical history and seek professional advice in the case of severe back pain or injuries, such as herniated disks, fractures and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine).
What are the benefits of BodyMinded: Alexander Technique?
First and foremost, BodyMinded: Alexander Technique can help to ward off chronic pain and musicians’ injuries. As the old adage goes, prevention is better than cure. Holding an instrument, singing or sitting at the piano or drum kit is a trained activity, which is why it often feels so uncomfortable at first. However, when a student understands their body better and knows how to release excess tension, they can prevent discomfort.
Most importantly, BodyMinded: Alexander Technique teaches awareness of the links between the spine, neck and head.
Also, if a student is already suffering, BodyMinded: Alexander Technique can help with relief from pain – in both the short and long term.
A 1995 study published in Psychology of Music, Vol. 23, No. 2, showed that Alexander Technique can also improve performance. A group of 25 students were randomly divided into two groups – one that received 15 lessons in Alexander Technique and a control. Afterwards, they all played in front of blind experts. Those in the former group demonstrated reduced anxiety, more positivity towards performance and higher musical and technical output.