
You Always Move Better with a Smile

You move better with a smile

You Always Move Better with a Smile

So just taking a little moment to have a little smile, even that is going to help you feel more comfortable, move more easily. And then, if you know about Alexander Technique, you apply those principles as well as smiling, and then you are off, guys. You are having a much better time.

So today’s little message is you always move better with a smile. Go on, try it.

For those that prefer to read, here is your transcript.

Hi, it’s Kathy from Body Minded, Sydney Alexander Technique. I wanted to talk to you about smiling. One of Greg’s favourite quotes from his main teacher is, “You always move better with a smile.” So that quote is from Marjorie Barstow. And here she is. Let me see if I can bring that closer for you. There you go. Lovely lady. So Greg did his first workshop with Marjorie. She was very mature. I’m not exactly sure, I’ll check with Greg, but maybe she was already 80 or something like that, late 70s at least, when he did his first workshop.

He was a dancer at the time and went to that Alexander Technique workshop on the recommendation of his sister. So, often you get this information from all different places. And he was working at the dance company at the time, and they sent him along and supported him to go and find out about this Alexander Technique. Hello, that just changed his world. He went to more Alexander Technique, found out about it, and then, a few years later, he was training to be a teacher.

So that was the background story. But actually, what I really wanted to share with you today is this idea about, you move better with a smile. So it’s a nice idea. And how it speaks to me is in that your thinking influences the way you move, the way you are, the way you coordinate. So just taking a little moment to have a little smile, even that is going to help you feel more comfortable, move more easily. And then, if you know about Alexander Technique, you apply those principles as well as smiling, and then you are off, guys. You are having a much better time.

So today’s little message is you always move better with a smile. Go on, try it.

If you prefer to listen, then here is your audio of the video blog.

I hope this has sparked your interest in Alexander Technique?