

It can be subtle and sometimes tricky to know - is it working? I've had several conversations with people around this question. I've made a short video blog (sorry it is so shaky) with my take on this question. What is your experience of having Alexander Technique lessons? Interesting some people notice the changes very easily - for other people it is a...

Sit down. Now look at the way you're sitting. Did you make a conscious decision to adopt that pose? Most likely not. Whether you're a musician or just someone looking to maintain a high quality of life, then you should be aware that there are definitely healthier ways to sit, stand and walk. Yet few of us make attempts to...

While it's often difficult to look back into our past and discover when and how we developed poor posture, studies have shown that we are not born with postural issues, (with the exception of some rare cases) instead it results from learned traits. Although it seems hard to comprehend, we actually train our bodies to have bad posture. Most babies and...

What does it mean? Responding to Sebastian Moody's iconic Brisbane artwork1, the Sydney Morning Herald recently asked this question "What's the first thing that pops into your mind when you read that sign?"2 In recent online Alexander lesson, my student replied to my encouragement, the more you think about it, the better it works, with a reference to this iconic Brisbane artwork....

At a recent Yoga and Alexander Workshop, there was a request for references to some of the science I mentioned. One of those questions was about Core Stability: It goes without saying that "stability is a good thing". That is if you define it as the general tendency not to fall down!  Our bodies are made to stabilise under load automatically,...

Part Two: Consciously Exploring New Pathways Exploring thinking and moving patterns It takes on average 66 days for a new way of thinking, feeling or doing to form as a new habit.  Of course people are varied, some can cultivate deeply grained new habits in 18 days, while the other end of the spectrum is over 200 days for new habits to be formed....